Grey Gravestone RIP

The Conclusion

         Goth is a subculture that has grown immensely in the past thirty or so years. It's changed definitively from simply a music genre, to a fashion statement and way of living. It's perhaps one of the most mainstream, commonly misunderstood subcultures out there. And there's much more to delve into regarding the subculture, such as goth within the news, and common stereotypes regarding members of the scene.
          Through this research project, I was given a small taste as to what the goth scene offers to those looking to be apart of the culture in modern society. I've learned that this was a subculture that definitely flourished about twenty years ago, but still remains consistent in media through a defining term for certain dark fashion looks. As for the local scene of Sacramento, probably not. But I do know of some famous alternative, punk clubs in the bay area that are more popular. Overall, this research project has demonstrated the amount of gothic people whom situate themselves on the internet, and the developing internet cliques of goths, rivitheads and punks. It's definitely an evolved subculture that has room to grow. And despite those believing it's a completely washed up subculture, there's still thousands of people enjoying the tunes of Bauhaus and The Cure, and dressing up to their desires around the world to this day. Whether they fully believe in the goth subculture, or only enjoy the type of dress shouldn't matter. I am excited to see where Goth leads to into the future and beyond.

Hail yourselves.